Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Day 9 - Booyah Veteran Bus Project - A Busy Day

Day 9 - Booyah Veteran Bus Project - A Busy Day
Reveille was at 0300 and Shane and Mccuen were inserted back at Check Point ChinaTop and marched off 22 miles by 1300.  They marched through Ocala and advanced towards Williston, FL.  Beautiful Horse Country.

Shawn and Ray got some needed rest, while Navy went to Dennys and worked on Social Media until day break.  At 0800 Navy jumped on the blower and started working on getting the RV Mech onsite and creating Plan B.  The RV Mech arrived at 01045 and Navy and The Mech immediately pulled the generator.  The Mech opened it up and inserted the new voltage Regulator but because there was no ground, he could not test it, so He and Navy put the generator back in place to discover that they brushes were not turning... broken belt.  They immediately pulled it again and loaded on the Mech truck to take to the shop.

In the meantime, The Hitman was working his magic and contacted Navy directly with some important intell.  Ross got us a free nights stay at Willston Crossings RV Park, Dinner at Green Shutter Restraunt and scheduled an Interview with the Local Newspaper... OUTSTANDING Job Hitman.

Alpha Team contacted Mobile Command and requested extraction at Check Point Checkers and advanced to Base Camp where we were met by Betty.  We parked the RV and immediately had guests.  We went to dinner at the Green Shutter...

Hustled back to speak before Bingo started at the camp ground Community Center where Mccuen did bang up job. The Team then went back to Mobile Command where they met Peter Boyle a Purple Heart and Bronze Star Vietnam Veteran.

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